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API Docs - v1.0.0


twitter (Source)

The twitter source receives the events from a twitter App.


@source(type="twitter", consumer.key="<STRING>", consumer.secret="<STRING>", access.token="<STRING>", access.token.secret="<STRING>", mode="<STRING>", filter.level="<STRING>", track="<STRING>", follow="<LONG>", location="<DOUBLE>", language="<STRING>", query="<STRING>", count="<STRING>", geocode="<STRING>", result.type="<STRING>","<LONG>","<LONG>", until="<STRING>", polling.interval="<LONG>", @map(...)))


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
consumer.key Consumer key is the API key to access created twitter app STRING No No
consumer.secret Consumer secret is the API secret to access created twitter app STRING No No
access.token Access token is used to make API requests on behalf of your account. STRING No No
access.token.secret Access token secret is used to make API requests on behalf of your account. STRING No No
mode There are two possible values for mode.
1. Streaming - Retrieves real time tweets,
2. TwitterPoller - Retrieves historical tweets within one week.
filter.level Filters tweets by the level of engagement based on the filter.level. The highest level(medium) corresponds loosely to the ?top tweets? filter the service already offers in its on-site search function. Values will be one of either none, low, or medium. none STRING Yes No
track Filters the tweets that include the given keywords. null STRING Yes No
follow Filters the tweets that is tweeted by the given user ids null LONG Yes No
location Filters tweets based on the locations. Here, We have to specify latitude and the longitude of the location. For Example : 51.683979:0.278970 null DOUBLE Yes No
language Filters tweets in the given language, given by an ISO 639-1 code. null STRING Yes No
query Filters tweets that matches the given Query, UTF-8, URL-encoded search query of 500 characters maximum, including operators.
For example : '@NASA' - mentioning Twitter account 'NASA'.
null STRING Yes No
count Returns specified number of tweets per page, up to a maximum of 100. null STRING Yes No
geocode Returns tweets by users located within a given radius of the given latitude/longitude. The location is preferentially taking from the Geotagging API, but will fall back to their Twitter profile. The parameter value is specified by latitude,longitude,radius, where radius units must be specified as either ? mi ? (miles) or ? km ? (kilometers). null STRING Yes No
result.type Returns tweets based on what type of results you would prefer to receive. The current default is 'mixed'. Valid values include:
mixed : Include both popular and recent results in the response.
recent : return only the most recent results in the response
* popular : return only the most popular results in the response.)
mixed STRING Yes No Returns tweets with an tweet ID less than (that is, older than) or equal to the specified ID -1 LONG Yes No Returns tweets with an tweet ID greater than (that is, more recent than) the specified ID. -1 LONG Yes No
until Returns tweets created before the given date. Date should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD. Search index has a 7-day limit. So no tweets will be found for a date older than one week. null STRING Yes No
polling.interval Specifies the period of time (in seconds) to poll tweets periodically 3600 LONG Yes No

Examples EXAMPLE 1

@source(type='twitter', consumer.key='consumer.key',consumer.secret='consumerSecret', access.token='accessToken',access.token.secret='accessTokenSecret', mode= 'streaming', @map(type='json', fail.on.missing.attribute='false', attributes(created_at = 'created_at', id = 'id' ,id_str = 'id_str', text = 'text')))
define stream rcvEvents(created_at String, id long, id_str String, text String);

Under this configuration, it starts listening on random sample of public statuses and they are passed to the rcvEvents stream.


@source(type='twitter', consumer.key='consumer.key',consumer.secret='consumerSecret', access.token='accessToken',access.token.secret='accessTokenSecret', mode= 'streaming', track = 'Amazon,Google,Apple', language = 'en', @map(type='json', fail.on.missing.attribute='false' , attributes(created_at = 'created_at', id = 'id' ,id_str = 'id_str', text = 'text')))
define stream rcvEvents(created_at String, id long, id_str String, text String);

Under this configuration, it starts listening tweets in English that containing the keywords Amazon,google or apple and they are passed to the rcvEvents stream.


@source(type='twitter', consumer.key='consumer.key',consumer.secret='consumerSecret', access.token='accessToken',access.token.secret='accessTokenSecret', mode= 'streaming', track = 'Amazon,Google,Apple', language = 'en', follow = '11348282,20536157,15670515,17193794,58561993,18139619',filter.level = 'low', location = '51.280430:-0.563160,51.683979:0.278970', @map(type='json', fail.on.missing.attribute='false' , attributes(created_at = 'created_at', id = 'id' ,id_str = 'id_str', text = 'text')))
define stream rcvEvents(created_at String, id long, id_str String, text String);

Under this configuration, it starts listening tweets in English that containing the keywords Amazon,google,apple or tweeted by the given followers or tweeted from the given location based on the filter.level. and they are passed to the rcvEvents stream.


@source(type='twitter', consumer.key='consumer.key',consumer.secret='consumerSecret', access.token='accessToken',access.token.secret='accessTokenSecret', mode= 'polling', query = 'happy hour', @map(type='json', fail.on.missing.attribute='false' , attributes(created_at = 'created_at', id = 'id' ,id_str = 'id_str', text = 'text')))
define stream rcvEvents(created_at String, id long, id_str String, text String);

Under this configuration, it starts polling tweets containing the exact phrase 'happy hour' and they are passed to the rcvEvents stream.


@source(type='twitter', consumer.key='consumer.key',consumer.secret='consumerSecret', access.token='accessToken',access.token.secret='accessTokenSecret', mode= 'polling', query = '#Amazon', = '973439483906420736', @map(type='json', fail.on.missing.attribute='false' , attributes(created_at = 'created_at', id = 'id' ,id_str = 'id_str', text = 'text')))
define stream rcvEvents(created_at String, id long, id_str String, text String);

Under this configuration, it starts polling tweets, containing the hashtag '#Amazon' and tweet Id is greater than and they are passed to the rcvEvents stream.


@source(type='twitter', consumer.key='consumer.key',consumer.secret='consumerSecret', access.token='accessToken',access.token.secret='accessTokenSecret', mode= 'polling', query = '@NASA', language = 'en', result.type = 'recent', geocode = '43.913723261972855,-72.54272478125,150km', = 24012619984051000, = 250126199840518145, until = 2018-03-10,  @map(type='json', fail.on.missing.attribute='false' , attributes(created_at = 'created_at', id = 'id' ,id_str = 'id_str', text = 'text')))
define stream rcvEvents(created_at String, id long, id_str String, text String);

Under this configuration, it starts polling recent tweets in english that is having tweet id greater than and less than, mentioning NASA and they are passed to the rcvEvents stream.